ORF, January 6, 2018
German original: http://burgenland.orf.at/news/stories/2887991/
The Rust, Austria - born Elza Brandeisz, who saved the lifes of several Jews during the Nazi-era, passed away at the age of 110 in Sopron, Hungary. She also saved the billionair-to-be George Soros from the Holocaust.
Brandeisz has been honored by the Israeli memorial site Yad Vashem as „Righteous Among the Nations.“ During the time of National Socialism she hid the 13-year old George Soros and his mother in her summer house on Lake Balaton.
Born in Rust, Burgendland, Brandeisz made a name for herself during her active time as a dancer and dance instructor. In addition, she was active in the Hungarian Evangelical-Lutheran Church. More recently, she lived seclusively in her apartment in Sopron. She became increasingly frail after her 110th birthday this past September, Hungarian media reported on Saturday.
The Budapest – born George Soros currently is at the center of attacks, in part seemingly anti-semitic, by the right – wing Hungarian government. The leadership surrounding Prime Minister Victor Orban has been resenting his foundations’ support for government-critical civil organizations.